Pacers & Crews
Pacers must register. UltraSignup
All pacers must abide by the rules set forth below:
One pacer per runner at a time.
Each pacer must sign a release form before participating.
Pacers must be 18 years of age or older.
Pacer bib must be visible at all times.
Pacers must check into and out of aid stations at the same time as their runner and pacers cannot be dropped on the course.
Pacers must stay within a 50 yard radius of the aid station when attending to their runner.
Pacers must stay with their runner at all times and must run the entire leg until the next crew access point or specifically allowed Aid Station, as there is generally no access for them in between.
Changing of pacers can only happen at crew accessible locations.
Pacers cannot "mule" any items for their runner.
Pacers must follow any and all rules that are set forth for runners, including gear requirements.
Pacers have full access to all Aid Station Amenities which includes food and drink.

Access Points
Crews are allowed to attend to their runner with resupply needs ONLY at specified crew access points along the course. Crews must stay within a 25 yard radius of the aid station when attending to their runner. Crew access points are below:
Neals Creek Heliport (AS4) - 32.5
Mt. Mitchell State Park (AS5) - 39.0
Colbert's Creek Road (AS6) - 47.2
Neals Creek Heliport (AS9) - 68.7***
Curtis Creek Campground (AS10) - 76.8
Driving directions and parking instructions can be viewed and downloaded here.
Please obey all crew rules stated below or you risk disqualification of your runner during the event.
*** If you are planning to leave a car at Neals Creek (AS 9 mile 68.7), please park outside of the gate, and off the road. The gate has to be locked per the USFS when the AS closes.
Crew Rules
All crew members must abide by the rules set forth below:
A crew member is defined as a person who provides material support to a runner.
Crews can only meet and assist their runners at designated points on the course.
Crews must adhere to instructions of all aid personnel or race officials.
Crew must stay within a 50 yard radius of the aid station while attending to their runner.
Crew will be limited to one vehicle.
Crews must obey ALL speed limits
Crews must never park in a way to block traffic, trailheads, or other cars. ALL four wheels must be off the roadway.
Please do not litter! Leave No Trace.
Failure to follow rules will result in the disqualification of your runner.